Isnin, 7 Januari 2013



Just simple card that i really miss my old skul best friend.... to those who their name is fad, faizie, noli & anum.... luv and miss u all's so much....

this card is available to buy... contact piejot for confirmation.... (^_^)


Handmade Tag

Hai.. u all's....

Selamat Tahun Baru.... even though dah terlambat.... tp.... masih munasabah lg untuk diucapkan...

baru2 nih Piejot dah siapkan tempahan tag.... tu yg xberkesempatan nk upload kad baru.... jangan risau... walaupown xupload.... Piejot mmg ade buat jugak kad2 yang baru....

kat bawah nih adalah hasil tag yg piejot dah siapkan.... thanks to family yg menolong secara xlangsung.... utk adek Piejot... nnt special treat... (^_^)

tag nih simple design sebab utk korporat serve... so xbuleh la nk fancy2 sangat... anyway.... just nice... nnt Piejot tunjuk hasil tag ni digunakan..